Student Ministry
6th-12th Grade Students
Dwelling Youth Group is a place where all 6th-12th graders are welcomed and none leave hungry! We aim to connect youth with their God given purpose and steer them towards having a true relationship with Christ. The goal of Dwelling is that before students graduate from High School and enter the massive world, that Christ would be so known to them that He holds a permanent residency in their hearts. Far too many kids deny and walk away from God post high school. A true, authentic, unity-driven, community-lived, and Jesus-focused ministry can lead to a dwelling of Christ in their lives. We speak life into all situations and awaken others to the fact that they are born to be loved.It all begins with an idea. Maybe you want to launch a business. Maybe you want to turn a hobby into something more. Or maybe you have a creative project to share with the world. Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.
Middle School
Dwelling Youth Group for Middle Schoolers happens Wednesday Nights from 6:30-8:00 pm. Students connect and grow with their peers as they learn to walk a life with Christ. We open up our Bibles and dive into scripture for truth. Being a Christ follower is the best decision they could ever make! All students play an active and alive part of the Church.
High School
Dwelling Youth Group for High Schoolers is crucial. We value being a loving and inviting space that encourages speaking life and building long term friendships. Our foundation is Biblical teaching and authentic worship. The students lead our Youth Band and are inspired to serve in many other ways. We meet Wednesday nights from 6:30 – 8:00 p.m.
Here are some helpful resources!
Join the MS Remind Group
Join the HS Remind Group
Full Reading Plan
Are you interested in getting plugged in and serving in our Student Ministry?
Being a Dwelling Youth Group volunteer means dedicating your time to support the spiritual growth of students. You serve as a mentor, role model, and compassionate listener, guiding them in their faith journey. By creating a welcoming environment, facilitating discussions, invitation, and fostering a sense of community, you help students develop their relationship with God and navigate as a light that consumes darkness.
It's perfectly natural to be spiritual and perfectly spiritual to be natural. Food is a central part of any family. And bringing food to a group of students serves more than just filling their stomachs. You help limit distractions that a rumbling stomach can far too often cause. You are needed, please respond to the hungry!